I love the simplicity of this easy Easter decoration. I hung a handful of simple Easter eggs at varying heights using some string and Christmas ornament hooks attached to the chandelier. The other thing I like to do is lay some holiday or season appropriate garland around the top of the light fixture. Hang Easter…
Reindeer Moss Decorative Balls
I’ve been decorating for the holidays this year and didn’t want to miss making some simple St. Patrick’s day decorations. I love using decorative balls to decorate with and the holidays are no exception. I purchased a bunch of reindeer moss about a year ago because I saw a cute St. Patrick’s wreath on a…
Valentine’s Decor – DIY Wooden Rosette Heart
I think my favorite thing about Valentine’s day is all the PINK! Pink is such a wonderful, girly color. It is so much fun to decorate the house with different variations of PINK! and Hearts! and Roses! and ALL THINGS PRETTY! DIY Valentine’s Decor – Wooden Rosette Heart I was feeling a little bored…
Love Print – Free Valentine’s Printable
I recently posted a free printable/DIY craft for a Valentine’s day decoration. The printable in the other post separated the background from the text of the printable. This printable is a quick way to decorate your house for Valentine’s. Valentine’s Day Printable Love Decor Download Free Valentine’s Day Printable XOXO Love Valentine Printable – 4×6…
XOXO Love Free Printable – Dimensional Valentine’s Day Print
I have found a lot of joy in decorating for the seasons and holidays this past year. I have been hitting up the home decor and craft stores over the last few weeks in search of some cute Valentine’s Day decorations. I haven’t been too successful. Most of the Valentine’s decorations I’ve been able to find…
DIY Decorative Snowballs
It <kind of> snowed today <sweet!> and I thought I should honor the day with a recent winter craft. While busy pinning during my after-the-kids-are-finally-in-bed-and-haven’t-come-out-for-a-10th-time-for-a-hug-and-a-drink-and-another-hug wind down time, I came across this adorable craft – faux snowballs. It seemed simple enough and I thought it would look great with my winter decorations. I loved how…
Winter Apothecary Jars
Apothecary jars are a super simple way to decorate for any season. I have started a collection of apothecary jars and have been filling them with various decorations that tie into the season or an upcoming holiday. For my winter apothecary jars, I found some white gift bows, clear Christmas ornaments, snowball fillers, snow filler,…
Winter Decorating – Icicle Chandelier
One think I love, love, love about winter is beautiful icicles hanging from buildings. I love the way they shimmer in the sunlight and it makes me feel like I’m living in a winter wonderland. I picked up some great deals on winter decorations at the day-after-Christmas sales. One thing I picked up was some…
Floating Candles and Fresh Cranberries – Christmas Decor
I have seen this idea quite a bit, probably first at weddings. Floating candles are so classy and elegant. When added to cranberries, we’ve got ourselves some award-winning Christmas decor! Candles help beautify and set a calm mood. When the kids are down and it is finally wind-down time, I like to wrap up in…
Spider Party
Get ready for some pictures. I had a lot of fun with Emily’s spider birthday party theme. It obviously works great for Halloween and was cute for a little girl’s first birthday party as well. The spider party theme all began with the spider cake idea I got when I was looking for Halloween decorations….