I think my favorite thing about Valentine’s day is all the PINK! Pink is such a wonderful, girly color. It is so much fun to decorate the house with different variations of PINK! and Hearts! and Roses! and ALL THINGS PRETTY!
DIY Valentine’s Decor – Wooden Rosette Heart
I was feeling a little bored on Sunday morning. I decided to rummage through some craft supplies and make sumpin’.
I bought these wooden hearts last year thinking I would get crafty and make some cute DIY Valentine decorations. It didn’t happen. But, that’s alright cause it gave me something to do this week! These may be a year late, but I think they turned out cute.
Scrapbook Paper Valentine Heart Decor
I made two versions. The first one, I Modge Podge’d some beautiful Valentine scrapbook paper to the face of the heart. I distressed the edges, then sealed it with Modge Podge. I think the distressed ink edges helped give it character and a vintage feel. I made some paper rosette hearts (these were way easy – maybe I will put together a tutorial, but there are plenty out there) and hot glued them on.
DIY Paper Rosette Valentine Decor Tutorial
Baker’s Twine Valentine’s Heart Decor
The second version, I painted white. After the paint dried, I wrapped some baker’s twine around the heart and added some paper rosette hearts.
To display my Valentine craft, I put it on some decorative shelves in my kitchen. Here are some of the other decorations on the shelves:
Berry Heart Wreath
Picked up in Target’s $1 section last year.
Rose Bundle in Glass Vase
Picked up at Michaels.
Easy peasy. With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, I need to start thinking of some cute ideas for spring decor and Easter. Maybe I will need to re-purpose some of these decorations.
**On a side note. Can I just say that I love Jimmy Fallon. He is a comedic genius. He is wonderful and deserves all the success that comes to him.
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